DNA quadruplex : a potential target for anticancer therapy

Shilpa. S. Borkar*, Payal Wath, J. R. Baheti

Kamla Nehru College of Pharmacy, Butibori, Nagpur-441108, India.

*Correspondence : shilpa_borkar23@rediffmail.com


Cancer is one of the most important health problems and very common in different populations in the world. The main objective of newly synthesized molecules has selectivity against tumor cells with low-toxic effect. The use of different methods and molecules depends on the stage and type of cancer. This process defines the compounds containing planar aromatic or hetero aromatic ring systems are inserted between adjacent base pairs perpendicularly to the axis of the helix and without disturbing the overall stacking pattern due to Watson–Crick hydrogen bonding. Last few years, fluorescence intercalating agents, fluorescence probe and sensor in biophysical chemistry and molecular biology, photosensitized molecule in fluorescence-decay reactions as DNA strainers became very important. G-quadruplex structures and epigenetic enzymes have raised much interest as potential anticancer targets. Several agents acting on DNA are clinically used, but the severe driving side effects limit their therapeutic application. G-quadruplex are DNA secondary structures that are located in key zones of human genome, such as oncogene promoters and telomeres. Targeting quadruplex structures could allow obtaining an anticancer therapy more free from side effects. On the other end, in the last years it has been proved that epigenetic modulation can control the expression of human genes, thus allowing the presence of different variants determining the disease. The epigenetic regulation of gene expressions plays a crucial role in carcinogenesis and, in particular, an abnormal expression of histone deacetylase enzymes (HDACs) are related to tumor onset and progression, making them attractive targets for new anticancer drugs and therapies .

Keywords: Cancer therapy, G-quadraplex, DNA-quadraplex

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