Pathophysiology of infectious diseases in diabetes mellitus patients:
An overview
Tarawanti Verma1, Suman Ghosh 2, Saroj Singhmura2*
B.S Anangpuria Institute of Pharmacy, Faridabad (Haryana)
Dr.B.C Roy College of Pharmacy and AHS, Durgapur (West Bengal)

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a clinical syndrome associated with deficiency of insulin secretion or action. It occurs when the pancreas gland no longer produces the insulin needed or it occurs when it is not producing enough insulin and the insulin is not working effectively. .The diabetes mellitus patients are much more prone to infections because of hyperglycemic condition .In hyperglycemic condition there are several changes in our body responsible for deleterious effects in immune defense mechanism. It may result due to changes in leukocytes functions, complement system and altered in microvascular responses. It has been found that diabetic patients are susceptible to different infectious diseases, such as Malignant external otitis. Rhino cerebral mucormycotic, Gangrenous cholecystitis, Respiratory infections. Urinary tract infections. Gastrointestinal and liver infections. This review enlightens the pathophysiology and the infectious diseases which being responsible for morbidity of diabetic patients.
Keywords: hyperglycemic, polymorphoneutrophils (PMN), complement system

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