Activity of Shell Extract of Selected Seeds
Baidya*1, J. Anbu2
*1Department of
Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Brainware
University, Barasat, West Bengal, India.
2Department of
Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Ramaiah
University, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
Objective: The study was undertaken to
evaluate the phytochemical study and anthelmintic activity of ethanolic extract of polyherbal
seed shells (EEPSS) against Eisenia
Methods: The seed of Momordica charantia, Manilkara zapota, Emblica officinalis and Syzygium cumini collected from the local market,
Bangalore, India. EEPSS was prepared from the dried seed shells of four
different fruits using the solvent ethanol. Initially, EEPSS was screened for
phytochemical constituents by standard protocol. Further, anthelmintic study
was conducted against Eisenia fatida,
collected from local Vermicomposting Farm, Bangalore.
Results: In the phytochemical screening,
the EEPSS showed presence of glycosides, alkaloids, flavonoids, phenols,
phytosterols and tannins. In the anthelmintic study, mortality was produced in
earth worm populations by EEPSS.
Conclusion: The use of EEPSS as an
anthelmintic was confirmed by using standard method against Eisenia fatida. The
results indicated that the test drug has significant anthelmintic properties.
Hence, it can be concluded that the EEPSS can be used as a novel drug for the
treatment of worm infestations.
Keywords: EEPSS, Phytochemical screening,
Eisenia fatida, Helminthiasis
As per World Health Organization
(WHO), higher than 80% of the world's population mostly relies on traditional
medicine for their primary health care needs. Use of herbal medicines in Asia
represents a long history of human interactions with the environment. Different
medicinal plants used for traditional medicine which contain a wide range of
substances that can be used to treat chronic as well as infectious diseases. A
huge knowledge about plants to use them against different illnesses may be
expected to have deposited in areas where the use of plants is still of great
importance [1]. The plant which has the medicinal value lies in some chemical
substances that produce a certain physiological action on the human body.
The most essential compound of
plants is bioactive viz. alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins and phenolic compounds
[2]. Medicinal plants were used as traditional medicine is well known in rural
areas of developing countries [3]. Traditional medicines are cheaper and more
effective than modern medicine which was claimed by traditional healers. Low
income people such as farmers, people of small isolate villages and native communities
use folk medicine for the treatment of common infections in developing
countries [4]. Based on ethnopharmacological
information the phytochemical research is commonly considered an effective
approach in the discovery of new anti-infective agents from higher plants [5].
Helminthiasis is a disease which is most
prevalent and serious public health problems worldwide. With the increased
world interconnection between the developing countries, helminthes infections
are now prevalent throughout the world, affecting millions of human and
animals. Parasitic diseases causing severe morbidities in many parts of the
world include lymphatic filariasis, onchocerciasis, and schistosomiasis
Children of all ages are very
much prone to parasitic infection. In day care settings infants, toddlers and
very young children are at risk for the parasitic disease called giardiasis
that causes diarrhoea and spread through defiled
feces. Preschool and young school age children are also prone to pinworm
infection or enterobiasis. In childhood days,
preschool and school-age children can easily be infested with head lice (pediculosis) or scrabies which
are spread by close person-to-person contact [7].
In the United States, several parasitic
diseases occur occasionally and more frequently in developing countries but
their effectiveness have not been well studied. Due to worm infection, they
include strongyloidiasis that is of particular danger
for children with an impaired immune system. It was happened when larvae
(immature worms) in soil contaminated with infected human feces come into
contact and penetrate the skin.
They also include visceral toxocariasis, when children ingest soil which is contaminated
with dog or cat feces containing the eggs of cat or dog roundworms, and
cutaneous larva migrans, spread when children walk
barefoot on soil contaminated with cat or dog hookworm larvae that penetrate
the skin.
The synthetic drugs are used to
cure the disease but due to their toxicity and adverse effects use of herbal
remedies predominates. The present study is mainly to focus on the process of
extraction and evaluation of anthelmintic activity of EEPSS.
Literature survey data unfold
that the seed shell extract used in this study were not yet to be screened for
its anthelmintic activity. So the purpose of this work was to explore the
anthelmintic properties of selected seed shell extract.
Materials and methods:
Drugs and chemicals:
Ethanol (Changshu Yangyuan Chemical), Albendazole (MAK Pharma).
Plant Material:
The fruits of Momordica charantia, Manilkara zapota, Emblica officinalis and Syzygium cumini were collected from the local
market, Bangalore, India. The well ripened fruits were selected,
seeds were isolated and kept for drying. The shells of seed were collected and
powdered for further process of extraction.
Preparation of Ethanolic Extract:
100 g (25g/each) mixture of four
different seed shells was macerated with 400 ml of ethanol for 72 hours with
intermittent shaking. Then it was filtered through Whatmann
No.1 filter paper, dried until a constant dry weight of extract obtained and
the residue was stored at 40° C for further screening of anthelmintic activity.
About Earth worm: Indian earth
worms, Eisenia fatida were collected from local vermicomposting farm,
Phytochemical screening
The EEPSS obtained by standard
extraction procedure were evaluated for their anthelmintic activity as well as
presence of various phytochemical constituents.
Anthelmintic activity
EEPSS was investigated for their
anthelmintic activity against Eisenia fatida of each
extract was tested in the bioassay to determine the time of paralysis and time of
death of the worms. Albendazole was included as standard reference and
distilled water as control. The anthelmintic assay was carried as per the
method of Ajaiyeoba et al., with minor modifications
[8]. Due to worm’s anatomical and physiological resemblance with the intestinal
roundworm parasite of human beings, the assay was performed on adult Indian
earthworm [9-12]. Earthworms have been used widely for the initial evaluation
of anthelmintic compounds in vitro because of its easy availability [13-15].
Indian adult earthworms (Eisenia
fatida) collected from moist soil and washed with normal saline to remove all
fecal matter were used for the anthelmintic study. The length and width of
earthworms were 3-5 cm and 0.1-0.2 cm used for anthelmintic study. In the first
set of experiment, six groups of six earthworms were released in to 50 ml of
solutions of Albendazole, ethanolic
extracts of seeds (25, 50, 100 and 200 mg/ml each) in distilled water.
Albendazole was used as reference standard while distilled water as control.
Observations were made for the time taken to paralysis and death of individual
worms. Time for paralysis was noted when no movement of any sort could be
observed except when the worms were shaken vigorously. Death was concluded when
the worms lost their motility followed with fading away of their body colors.
Photochemical screening of EEPSS
1. Detection of glycosides
a) Legal’s Test
+(ve), glycosides present
2. Detection of flavonoids
a) Lead acetate Test
+(ve), flavonoids present
3. Detection of alkaloids
a) Hager’s Tests
+(ve), alkaloids present
4. Detection of phenols
a) Ferric Chloride Test
+(ve), phenols present
5. Detection of saponins
a) Foam Test
-(ve), saponins absent
6. Detection of phytosterols
a) Salkowski’s
+(ve), phytosterols present
7. Detection of carbohydrates
a) Fehling’s Test
-(ve), carbohydrates absent
8. Detection of tannins
a) Gelatin Test
+(ve),tannins present

Fig 1- Anthelmintic activity of
i - Control, ii - Standard (100mg/ml), iii - Standard
(200mg/ml), iv - Test-I (12.5mg/ml), v - Test-II (25 mg/ml), vi - Test-III (50
mg/ml), vii - Test-IV (100 mg/ml), viii - Test-V (200 mg/ml)
Anthelmintic activity of EEPSS
Concentration mg/ml
Eisenia fatida
Time taken for Paralysis (min)
Time taken for Death (min)
Alcoholic seed shells extract
377.16 ± 3.219
Not died
308.83 ± 5.089
611.5 ± 3.677
232.833 ± 5.57
490 ± 4.99
86.66 ± 2.29
201.66 ± 3.116
71.66 ± 2.17
160.83 ± 4.89
260 ± 3.612
Not died
141.5 ± 6.054
Not died
Phytochemical analysis of EEPSS
of the screened plants were done for the presence or absence of active
secondary metabolites or different constituents such as glycosides, alkaloids,
flavonoids, phytosterols, carbohydrates, proteins, phenol's and saponins.
Preliminary phytochemical screening of alcoholic extract revealed the presence
of glycosides, alkaloids, flavonoids, phenols, phytosterols, tannins etc (table
no. 1).
From the anthelmintic activity
study, the alcoholic extract at a dose of 100 mg/ml has significant
anthelmintic activity where as 50mg/ml has showed
moderate activity.
From the results shown in table
no. 2, the predominant effect of albendazole on the
worm is to cause a flaccid paralysis that result in expulsion of the worm by
Albendazole is a benzimidazole carbamate drug. Benzimidazoles selectively bind to nematode ß-tubulin,
inhibiting polymerization, thus preventing the formation of microtubules and so
stopping cell division. Impaired uptake of glucose, leading to depletion of
glycogen, and reduced stores of ATP has also been noted.
The alcoholic seed extract
demonstrated paralysis as well as death of worms in a less time as compared to albendazole especially at higher concentration of 200
mg/ml. Phytochemical analysis revealed presence of flavonoids as one of the
chemical constituent. Polyphenolic compounds show
anthelmintic activity [16]. Some synthetic phenolic anthelmintics
e.g. niclosamide, oxyclozanide
and bithionol are shown to interfere with energy
generation in helminth parasites by uncoupling
oxidative phosphorylation [17].
In conclusion, the use of EEPSS
as an anthelmintic has been confirmed as it displayed activity against the
worms used in this study. The results suggest that ethanol extract of seeds
possess anthelmintic properties which can be used as new drug for therapy of
worm infestation. Further studies required to establish the mechanisms of
Authors are grateful to Dr. V. Madhavan, Dean, Faculty of Pharmacy, M.S.R.U.A.S.,
Bangalore, for providing all the facilities to carry out this research work.
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